Protecting Dental Professionals from Radiation Exposure

Dental professionals are exposed to radiation on a daily basis, and it is essential for them to take the necessary steps to protect themselves. The most effective way to reduce radiation exposure is to use lead aprons that cover the entire chest and lap. Lap aprons and thyroid collars should be used for all dental radiographic procedures. Mobile lead protectors with a lead equivalent of at least 0.25 mm should also be used during radiological procedures.

These radiation barriers can be as effective at blocking radiation as those in lead aprons. In addition, dentists should develop a radiation protection program for their offices, educate staff and use barriers. They should also stay up to date on safety measures and equipment that improve diagnosis while reducing exposure. For highly invasive dental procedures, a double barrier system should be considered to better prevent cross-contamination.

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that the effective radiation dose for dental radiographic exams is 0.005 to 0.171 mSv, depending on the type of exam and the amount of images captured. People who use dental x-ray equipment should understand the health risks associated with radiation, as well as radiation safety rules and regulations. The ADA offers several guidelines for limiting exposure to radiation for patients and dental professionals. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene is a monthly peer-reviewed journal that reconnects practicing dental hygienists with the country's leading educators and researchers.

As an expert in the field of dental health, I strongly recommend that all dental professionals take the necessary steps to protect themselves from radiation exposure.